Monday, July 13, 2009

NE show

On Saturday, I went to the national day parade rehearsal.

The parade was interesting and I saw people marching around in smart uniforms carrying flags and guns. They stood in neat rows and marched at the same speed. I do not think I will ever be able to march like that. I think they have gone through a lot of practice to march so smartly.

There were lots of bright and colourful lights for the other performances as well. The performers wore colourful costumes. At the last part of the show, it started raining and everyone got drenched especially the performers.

The fun pack we got had a magazine in it which got wet when it started to rain. The magazine got stuck to the bag and I had a hard time getting it out.

Wednesday, July 1, 2009

Ancient Greece

Would I like to live in Ancient Greece? I absolutely would not!

Back in Ancient Greece, female were treated badly and were not allowed to vote or own property. They also did not receive education as they did not go to school and they had to stay at home to learn to make cloth and cook.

They were not allowed to own a house and the only way to get to live in one when their father passed away was to live in a male relatives house or to get married and live in the house owned by their husbands.

It was also against the law for women to act and males had to act the female parts of the plays.

Although Ancient Greeks were clever, I would not have liked to live with them!